Hi folks,

so it once again took a little bit longer, but now i am back with interesting news.
i am proud to present to you my new kingdom tigers. as you can see both are very dangerous and are wide awake to protect me....MAJESTY King Knub.

So beware of the tigers. I call them Schnurrpelz by myself. It's knubbish.

Yours Majesty King Knub


nina said...

I'm ready to start some rumor!
I could imagine them as your illegitimate children - you have the same eyes!

Anonymous said...

knub, good to see, that you are well protected! ;-)

Anonymous said...

i like your so called "schnurrpelz"

Anonymous said...

soo cutee!:)
greetings to knubby:D
- georgia

Anonymous said...

King Knub!;D you rule the world and your kingdom tigers too :))
I have blogspot now, do you mind following me back?:D
lots of love,
your biggest fan ;D